4 Ways You Can Ensure You Never Run Out of Medication

Those of us who rely on long-term medication to treat a chronic condition know the importance of staying fully stocked. Not having access to the medicinal treatment you need to keep pain or other symptoms at bay can be a frustrating and, in some cases, risky ordeal. With this in mind, it’s always good to take measures to ensure you never run out of the treatment you need.
Even the most organised among us might find ourselves caught short on occasion. Sometimes life can get in the way, and dates can creep up on us. So, here is our guide to making certain you never run out of medication, and never find yourself in a situation where you can’t administer the treatment you need:
Keep To Your Appointments
After issuing you with a course of treatment, your doctor will want to review your progress to see how you’re responding. They will usually use these appointments to assess whether to keep you on the course of medication you’re using, or take a different approach. It’s important to keep to these appointments, so that you can get your prescription renewed if necessary.
Make a Note on Your Calendar
Work out when you’re due to visit the chemist or order medication online and make a note of the day on your calendar. If you don’t check your calendar every day or don’t have one, set an alert on your phone to remind you.
Order in Advance
Sometimes logistical issues can crop up, and the medication you need might be out of stock at your pharmacy or their supplier. Take measures to ensure that this doesn’t impact your treatment plan. Order your medication in advance, to give yourself a few days’ grace should problems occur.
Use a Repeat Ordering Service
Many pharmacies now offer repeat ordering services, where they will calculate when you’re due to run out of medication and contact your doctor on your behalf, to validate a repeat prescription. If your pharmacy offers this service, take advantage of it. It’ll save you having to dash between the surgery and the pharmacy yourself.