Evra Patches

This product is a transdermal patch used for contraception. It is produced by Janssen-Cilag Ltd. This treatment contains ethinylestradiol and norelgestromin, two synthetic hormones which mimic the function of progesterone and oestrogen. It works by preventing the ovary from releasing eggs, and by altering the lining of the uterus to make it harder for an egg to develop. It also works to thicken vaginal fluid, this making it more difficult for sperm to travel inside the womb.

This treatment has very specific application instructions which must be carefully followed. Like all hormonal contraceptives, this product is not 100 per cent guaranteed to prevent pregnancy, even though it may have been applied correctly.

To buy Evra Patches from a UK pharmacist, simply follow the instructions below. Express Doctor provides a fully confidential online consultation service and free next day delivery.

Evra patches (Ethinylestradiol and Norelgestromin)9 pieces£6277.32 €Proceed to COnsultation

This treatment is not suitable for everyone. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use it. Disclose your full medical history to your prescriber before purchase and use. A doctor may not prescribe this medicine for use if you are allergic to any containing ingredients, having investigations for certain types of cancer, weigh over 90 kg or are over the age of 45. Persons who suffer or have suffered from inflammatory bowel disease, blood problems, cancer, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, liver or kidney problems, lupus, migraines, thromboembolic problems such as angina, chloasma, vaginal bleeding or certain other conditions which may be worsened by oral contraceptives, may also not be able to take this medicine.

The most common side effects are breast tenderness, headaches and nausea. The information provided here is not comprehensive. For a full list of side effects, safety information and restrictions, consult the leaflet contained in the product or ask your prescriber. If while taking this medication you display signs of a blood clot or an allergic reaction, or become otherwise unwell, please consult your doctor immediately.

Dispensing Pharmacy Service

Pharmacy: Pharmacy 2U
Address: 1 Hawthorn Park, Coal Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS14 1PQ, UK
Registration number: 1090088
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Pharmacy: Natcol
Address: The Office, Britannia Way, Bolton, Lancashire, BL2 2HH, UK
Registration number: 1104545
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