4 Ways You Can Keep Fit and Have Fun

Mar 2014

Usually at this time of the year, the New Year’s push to be generally fitter and stay in shape begins to wane. That sense of drive we had at the start of January might not be there anymore, or our workloads might be increasing, giving us less time to stay on the ‘keep fit’ track.

But when it comes to exercise, it’s important to keep to your regular regime. Once you start to get comfortable not exercising, it’s easy to fall into the trap of more-or-less giving it up altogether, until next January rolls around.

So what can you do to give yourself that extra bit of motivation to press on with it? Answer: make it fun is how. Below are some tips on how you can make keeping fit a more enjoyable experience, and one you’re more likely to maintain:

Include Your Friends

Most activities are more enjoyable when you do them with friends, and exercise is no different. If you’re going out for a long run, or heading down to your local swimming baths, then see if any of your friends are interested in joining you. Make a pact with each other – arrange a regular date every week or fortnight, and you’re much more likely to keep it up.

Do it for Charity

Having an incentive in place to keep you on track can help, but it can also make the exercise process more fun too. If you’re participating in an athletic event for charity, set up a sponsor’s page, and talk to your friends and family about what you’re doing and why.

Take Dance Classes

Dancing is fast becoming a very popular way to keep fit – for no other reason than most people find it more enjoyable than running around the park, or going to the gym. Check your local listings to see what’s on offer in your area.

Exercise with an Interactive Games Console

There are a host of games available on consoles like the Nintendo Wii, be they sport-based or dancing-orientated, which can help improve your fitness and be incredible fun to use. The great thing about them is you can use them from the comfort of your own living room. Just make sure that you clear a space first so you don’t break anything!

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