Simple Diet Changes Which Can Make a Big Difference

After the excesses of the Holiday season, we all want to do whatever we can to get our eating regimes back under control. It isn’t just Christmas itself – festivities are usually preceded by months of comfort food and social consumption, so come January, it can feel like a lot of work to do to get back on track.
There are numerous diet plans out there which can help you lose weight and improve the healthiness of what you eat. But finding the right one to fit you can be time consuming, and harsher detox plans can be difficult to keep up, not to mention demotivating.
It always helps to speak to your doctor – if you’re trying to lose weight they may be able to point you in the direction of a weight reduction programme.
But there are some very basic changes you can make to your everyday diet which can make a huge difference. Here are just a few switches you might consider making:
White Bread to Whole Wheat Bread
Whenever you’re making a sandwich or a slice of toast for breakfast, try using whole wheat instead of white. In making white bread, many manufacturers put the wheat grains through a process which decreases their fibre and nutritional content. Whole wheat, however, is better for you as most of the wheat grain nutrients are left in.
Whole Milk to Semi-Skimmed
While many experts say that whole milk is a better for children during their developing years, if you’re an adult trying to cut down your fat intake, semi-skimmed is usually a better option.
Chocolate to Fruit
Instead of hitting the vending machine for a chocolate bar or packet of crisps during that mid-afternoon break at work, try taking some fruit in with you instead. It’s better for you as it doesn’t contain the fat that comes with pre-packaged confectionery, and will help you feel full for longer.
Fried to Grilled
Frying meat or fish is an option which many of us turn to when cooking, because it’s quick, and it’s easy. But if you’re looking to improve your diet, grilling your food is always better for you, and with the right seasoning, fish or meat can taste just as good (or even better).