4 Facts You Should Know About STIs

Unfortunately, STIs are more common than ever among young people in the UK. On average, there have been around half a million reported cases of STIs per year in the country during recent years. Many think this is because more people are spending their free time socialising, using social media to meet new people, and having sex.
Although sex isn’t such a taboo subject any more, and many people are willing to talk to others about their experiences, STIs don’t share the same state of openness. Many people, including those who may have come into contact with an STI, may find it difficult to approach their doctor to seek advice or treatment. But STIs can cause long-term damage to your health if left untreated, and they can easily be passed on to others. So seeking treatment is important.
It can also be easy for STIs to go undiagnosed, through lack of awareness or knowledge about them. You may be sexually active, but think you may not be at risk.
With that in mind, here are four basic facts which everyone should know about STIs:
They Can Be Symptomless
Chlamydia is a prime example of an STI which, particularly in men, can often show no visible symptoms. But there are others too. Even though an STI display may be displaying no outward signs, it may still be causing damage. It’s always best, if you’re unsure, to get tested.
Anyone Can Get Them
Although symptoms may differ depending on your gender, STIs can affect anyone. Being of a certain age, eating a certain diet or leading a healthy lifestyle doesn’t make you immune.
Many of Them Are Easily Preventable
There are a number of ways you can exponentially reduce your risk of getting many STIs. Using barrier contraception, such as a condom, is one. Another is to practice non-penetrative sex.
Many of Them Can Be Treated Simply
Although some more serious STIs may require prolonged treatment, many of them, such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea, can be treated with prescription antibiotics. If you are concerned, don’t be afraid to speak to your doctor.